A Frequentrarely Asked Question is a question that somebody rarely asks but you frequently wish they do.
It is not the same thing as a Frequentlyrare Asked Question, which is a question people frequently ask but you rarely wish they do.
But it has nothing to do with a Rarelyfrequent Asked Question, which is a question everybody keeps asking, but never listens to the answer.
And it is definitely not a Rarefrequently Asked Question, which is a question nobody wants to hear, but everybody knows the answer.
I have in mind to publish one day a book entirely made of FRAQs about anything that would need to be FRAQed.
That covers a lot.
Who are you ? is the first FRAQ.
Isn’t that a frequentrarely asked question ?
Unless you’re quite used to come back home and find a stranger sitting in your living room, which case it would qualify as a Simple Question – or maybe as a Rarefrequently Asked Question.
A FRAQ overview of what painting is about.
Or might be about. Or might not be about.
For specifics on each painting, check the pictures individually in the gallery.
Drawings is a FRAQ overwiew more focused on drawing.
The drawings have in common with the paintings to be also presented on this site.
To be presented on this site is the relevant criterion here.
NFTs and digital artworks is a FRAQ about NFTs and digital artworks.
The informations provided are different from the FRAQ about paintings and the FRAQ about drawings, because the matter is different.
Maybe you took a wild guess on that already.
Now it’s official.
the boring FRAQ coming soon
That’s where you’ll get the practical answers if you want to buy something that you’ve seen here or that you didn’t see here but would like to ask me to do, such as a drawing, a minting, etc.
You know the drill. That’s the guaranteed no-fun FRAQ.